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Statistics, Graphs, Tables: Present-Day Child Labor (page 3)


1996 1994 1992
# of compliance officers responsible for child labor enforcement only. 8.5 (46 states) 40 (41 states) 36.5 (37 states)
# of compliance officers responsible for enforcing all labor standards, including child labor 811 (45 states) 571 (41 states) 562 (37 states)
Total inspections of workplaces where child labor compliance was a component. 48,414 (36 states) 48,918 (37 states) n/a
Total inspections of workplaces resulting in finding child labor violations. 7,322 (37 states) 9,148 (38 states) 16,410 (37 states)
# of minors found to be illegally employed as a result of investigations. 7,577 (29 states) 12,959 (28 states) 8,537 (28 states)
# of employers found to be in violation of child labor laws as a result of investigations. 6,229 (33 states) 8,409 (34 states) n/a
Total amount of money assessed for violations. $2,469,016 (45 states) $2,615,061 (29 states) $981,468* (40 states)

* Only reflects total amount of civil money penalities assessed.

This chart shows the progression of law enforcement of child labor in America. Notice the increase of enforcement for all labor standards from 571 officers in 1994 to 811 officers in 1996. There was also a decline in child labor found in workplace inspections (5th row from top) and a decline in illegal employment of minors (5th row from the top).


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