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Statistics, Graphs, Tables: Present-Day Child Labor (page 1)

Table 1:
Distribution of Economically Active Children under 15 Years of Age
(percent of total world child labor)

Region  1980  1985  1990
 Africa  17.0  18.0  21.3
 Americas  4.7  5.6  na
 Asia  77.8  75.9  72.3
 Europe  0.3  0.2   0.1
 Oceania  0.2 0.2  0.2
 Source: ILO 1993.
Note: na...not available

Table 2:

Comparison of Labor Force Participation Rates of Children and Adults by Region (percent)


15 years and over 10-14 years


65.2 22.0
Americas 61.8 7.9
Asia 68.1 15.3
Europe 54.5 0.3
Oceania 62.7 6.9
Source: ILO 1993.

Although America contains a very low percentage of child labor in the world (Table 1), its depends highly upon countries such as Asia and Africa, which contain the vast majority of child labor in the world. In Africa and Asia, child labor is a substantial part of the labor force, with 22% and 15.3%, respectively, of their labor attributed to children (Table 2).


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